Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who Would You Hit?

I saw an article up on with this picture above of T.I. and Fabolous. The question they are posing is "Who Would You Hit"? Are you kidding me? Is there really a debate on that? Who in the hell are we kidding? Now, just to let you know I wouldn't turn my neck for neither one of them but if given the choice I would have no choice but to pick T.I. (No disrespect to Tiny.........I love Tiny!) But they should have picked a better candidate to go against T.I. I mean......the best you could come up with is Fabolous?

So I came up with my own version of "Who Would You Hit"? So here is who I think should have went up against T.I. Peep my pic below:

This to me is a more reasonable battle! What do yall think? Hit me up and let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I would hit TI because he looks like he has more energy!!


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