I know there are a lot of mixed feelings about Minister Louis Farrakhan but I have to say that the man is speaking the truth in this video! We as ethnics have the mentality (sometimes) that when we deal with WHITE FOLKS....we are getting ahead, we are going to go far, that everything is going to be alright......and 9 times out of 10 we're not. Now, I'm not saying that all white people fit into this mold but I'm saying that us ethnics are so welcoming to them and accept them into our world too quickly.
Over the Christmas holiday I went shopping with a friend and there was a long line to take a picture with Santa Claus. Of course, my daughter, Briyah, wanted to take a picture with Santa and being I was in a rush, I told her no and wanted to get the hell out of dodge. In the midst of the rush my friend asked me a question and that question was this: "If Santa Claus was black do you think all these white folks would be standing on line waiting to sit their child on his lap?" I thought for a moment and said "Damn! That's a good question!" Although, I already knew the answer. The answer is NO! White folks would not be on line waiting to take pictures with a black Santa. Moral of this story? My child will not be waiting on line to take pictures with a white Santa and the malls should really consider having all different types of Santas to represent all the different races we are. What do you guys think? Hit me up on the email or leave me a comment. Would love to hear about it. On a side note, check out what Farrakhan had to say below:
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