Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Baby of 2009 Born in NJ!!

LIVINGSTON, N.J.-- He is the first baby of the year in Livingston's Saint Barnabas Medical Center -- and it would take a good stopwatch to prove that he wasn't the first to be born in the country. Edgar Rafael Moreno was born at one second past midnight, says spokeswoman Sally Malech.

Mom Sunyoung Lee (below) holds her daughter Grace Pak. Mom Sunyoung Lee holds her daughter Grace Pak. Moreno of West Caldwell.
City welcomes New Year's first new arrivals
BY KATHLEEN LUCADAMO and CORKY SIEMASZKO Queens cutie born nine minutes after midnight Thursday claimed the title of first baby welcomed into New York City in 2009. Grace Pak, who weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces, made her debut at New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens - and nobody was happier than her mom.

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