Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Embarrassing Moments Part 1

I thought I would switch it up a little bit for you readers. As of lately, I have been trying to come up with some creative ideas on how to keep my readers coming back for more and I've come up with a few concepts. Of course, you guys are familiar with "That Used To Be My Joint" and "Confessions of A Blogger". So now, I want to bring to you a new segment called "Embarrassing Moments". The segment is about stories I hear from my friends, celebs, ordinary people and my readers about embarrassing moments we all have at one time or another in our lives. So this first story is courtesy of a friend of mine (I'll leave his name out) since he's in the industry as well and tell you about his embarrassing moment.

Let me tell yall how it went. I get a text while I was driving to Chuck E. Cheese today from my friend and the text says: "You want to hear something funny?". I wrote back: "Sure". He proceeds to tell me how he was in the gym and got on the treadmill to do a little cardio and the damn treadmill threw his ass across the gym! In front of everybody!! Now that's embarrassing!!

My friend looks like he should be in the NBA (he's just that tall) and really had no business being on the treadmill any damn way. He should've taken to the courts and worked it out that way. But here is what I think took place below:

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