Tuesday, August 11, 2009

29-Year_old Man Has 21 Children...With 11 Women

By Alicia Cruz
Senior writer

And supporting them adequately is merely impossible for 29 year-old Desmond Hatchett. The children range in age from newborn to 11 years old. Hatchett, of Knox County in Tennessee says he wasn't "planning" on having this many children, it just sorta happened.

His name appeared on the family court dockett 11 times in one day, representing 15 of his children. Hatchett works a minimum wage job and by law, the state can only take 50% of his paycheck for child support. By the time that money is split 21 ways, some of the mothers get less than $2 per month. That leaves the taxpayers footing a large portion of the bill for these children.
Hatchett claims that all of the mothers he has fathered these children with "knew what they were getting into" when he met them. "They knew I had a lot of kids." Review the video below of a brief interview with Hatchett and one of the women he has children with.

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