Friday, August 28, 2009

A Cheater's Plea For Forgiveness or Attention?

By Ruth McCann
Washington Post Staff Writer
Behold: Hester Prynne in the age of network television. The scarlet letter, or something like it, emblazoned on the chest. The private sin dragged forth for public judgment. The hours in the stocks. And the media.
Oh, the media.
"I cheated. This is my punishment." Thus read the hand-lettered, chest-to-knee-length sign worn by a man sporting jeans, a baby-blue short-sleeved dress shirt and a hangdog face as he stood on the side of the eight-lane Leesburg Pike near Tysons Corner on Wednesday morning. Thursday morning, he was back.
The man identified himself as "William Taylor" of Centreville when the first journalist, from Fox 5, interviewed him Wednesday on a grassy verge outside a shopping complex, where he has been observed during rush-hour traffic since Monday.
Neither the man's identity nor the details of his story could be confirmed. But that didn't quell the media frenzy, touched off when Fox 5 and a Los Angeles NBC affiliate aired brief footage of the allegedly repentant man standing alone at the intersection of International Drive and Leesburg Pike. Full Story

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