Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Three Hots, A Cot...and Unemployment Checks

By Alicia Cruz
Senior writer

Lawmakers have been chanting that "Crime never pays" mantra since time immemorial, but a recent state audit proved differently. The audit found that several prisoners, some using the Social Security numbers of other people, were receiving state unemployment checks to the tune of $29,399.00 Cha-ching! The state controller's office interceded an additional $18,261.00 that would have gone out to nearly 11 prisoners.

{Photo / ADX Florence}

State Controller Thomas DiNapoli said, "Crime should not pay, but these prisoners figured out a way to game the system from inside a cell." DiNapoli noted that in order to qualify for unemployment benefits, a person has to be "ready, willing and able to work in their usual employment or in another place of employment that matches their training and experience."
Auditors recommended that the state Department of Labor recover all inappropriate payments and assess penalties.
They also suggested the departments of labor and corrections work together to find out how prisoners were certified for unemployment benefits and share info, including a monthly report of inmate names and Social Security numbers, so it doesn't happen again.
Both agencies promised to work to make the needed changes.

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