Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What To Do If You're Stuck on The Runway

AP Airlines Writer
ATLANTA – You're tired, hungry, have a cranky baby on your lap and all you want to do is get off the plane, but you can't because it's been on the tarmac for hours waiting to take off.
While such delays are rare, they can be more common during the hot summer due to thunderstorms and, this year, because of fewer flights to get you to your destination if your flight is canceled.
A six-hour delay with 47 people aboard a small Continental Express plane at a Minnesota airport this month is the extreme. In June, the most recent month for which data is available, there were 278 tarmac delays of 3 hours or more. That was the most this year but still only .05 percent of the total number of scheduled flights that month.
Information is the best ammunition in such situations. Experts advise that passengers be prepared. Here are answers to some questions travelers may ask.
Q. Can't I just get off the plane?
A. No. The captain has ultimate control of the plane and generally will determine if and when to return to the gate and allow passengers to get off.
"It's not a democracy," says Robert Mann, an airline industry consultant in Port Washington, N.Y. FULL STORY HERE

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful. I PR piece put out by the airlines telling us we are their prisoners when on-board their flights. All I have to say is that this better never happen to me when I am on a plane because after a reasonable amount of time, I WILL get off one way or another because I do live in a democracy and holding me against my will is illegal.


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