Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Believe in Yourself!

Believe in Yourself
by Sonya

We live in a society where we are taught to believe in everything and everyone else. We are taught to celebrate and be supportive of everyone else. We pray, coach, lead, and encourage everyone else but ourselves.
The bible says, 'they made me the keeper of their vineyard but my own vineyard I have not kept. As women we take of everyone else while we go unkept. As women we don't realize that we are not doing the world a favor by not believing in ourselves.

As women we are very nurturing, loving, and caring to everyone but ourselves. When we give all of ourselves by pouring all that we have into others we lose sight of who we are.

When a wife loses sight of who she is, she stop doing her hair, she start going to bed with unattractive apparel, she stop desiring intimacy with her husband all because she doesn't believe in the woman she has become simply because she is trying to be the woman she once was.. Who are you NOW! She walks into the house with an attitude all because she stop believing in herself.

I teach wives that when you stop taking care of yourself or that maybe you have changed in appearance that you are simply depriving yourself from enjoying life. Ladies, you have to own the room you possess.
That is your husband, family, and life don't let the devil have your home simply because you stop believing in YOU! I was speaking to a room full of wives and I was telling them do something to yourself put on some lipgloss, unwrap that hair, put on you some boy shorts, heels and let your husband know your girlfriend is back and she is looking for some trouble. (lol) Let him know I'M BACK and it's about to go down.
You say but Sonya what about him? God has give you the power to steer your house in right direction for the bible says that a wise woman builds her house but a foolish one pulls it down with her hands. Your husband doesn't want you to mother him to death all he wants is the woman in you.

Remember when you first hooked up with him you were fast, sexy, and sensual. Well now that you are married it is legal to be FAST. You have the right to remain SEXY! I truly believe that there is a wife out there who needed this message. God told me to tell you it is the woman in you that your husband wants back.

God said, because you don't believe in yourself anymore that this is why your house is falling apart, stop nagging and complaining and learn how to be the beautiful woman/wife that you truly are!
While marriage is beautiful so is being single. Single women believe that getting married is the cure all for low self-esteem and loneliness. There is nothing more attractive to a man than a confident woman. Wouldn't you rather be a complete woman, with beauty, style, grace, and confidence. Why as women do we expect others' to give us what we can't give ourselves love and admiration. As single women we believe that if we give our possessions (cars, money, house, or body) that this is going to make others love or appreciate you more. God has given you the power to love and appreciate yourself.

Listen Divas, when God created Eve and presented her to Adam she was a complete woman. This is for those of you who are married or single, when God awakened Adam she didn't speak and say Adam get up! Take out the trash, what you goning to do with your life! Did you pay the bills! She didn't say you don't appreciate me, you don't love me.

She simply let her beauty do the talking. Adam opened up his mouth and said this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and she shall be called 'woman'.
We live in a time where we don't want to put a label on our relationship but I want to know what is your man calling you? If you are a mistress it's because you don't believe that God can bless you with a husband of your own. If you are single and sad because you are alone it is because you don't believe in the power of ONE, YOU!
If you are married and frustrated it's because you let go of the woman in you and you stop believing in the love of yourself and in him. How long will you make your husband suffer because you stop believing in him because of how you see yourself?

What am I saying, maybe your husband or future husband hasn't come around because they are still sleep like Adam because God has a work to do in YOU to become a COMPLETE WOMAN! I will close with this, I have learned never give all of yourself to anyone not even your children. Never lose sight of whose you are (God's daughter) and who you are.

There should be a secret place in your heart where only you and God dwells. Never give away the best part of yourself for the greatest gift you can give yourself is LOVE, for God is love!

Do you believe in YOURSELF!

If God is speaking to you then let me know: sonya@wherebeautyisdefined.com
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