Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hidden Meanings and the "You something Else" Syndrome.

Compliments of: Diary of a poor Milwaukee ghetto screw up

"I don't know about you but I am surrounded by people who hint and hoo and haw instead of just saying what they want. The exact type of people who have no problem asking for anything that you have but at the same time can't seem to take no for an answer the first, second or 14th time. I understand that there is a language of love that we all understand at one time or another in our life times, for example, i know if my girl is under the covers and i walk in to "is it cold in here to you?"

Sometimes that means would you go and turn down the air conditioning, i get that. What i am talking about in this post is the type of secret language where you ask your begging cousin how he is doing and he goes into a 20 minute list of problems just to finally ask you for $2. I'm like dam, i would have gave you three just to not have to listen to all that other chit. I go through stuff like that allot for some reason. Being around a bunch of begging people will make you stingy. I did not believe it before but now i am convinced.

Just the other day i walk into my kitchen and over hear my girl mother giving away my lemonade. Heres the conversation from where i entered the room.

MIL (mother in law) Get some of that koolaide if you want and mix some of that lemonade with it, it makes it taste better.

Random Visiting kin: I'm cool granny, it has don't drink on it.MIL: That don't mean nothing, he ain't going to miss it, he rich.(i forgot if you have a car, cable and own a home you are rich to poor a$$ folk.Random cousin: I don't want none granny. I'm just going to drink this Koolade.This is where i come in from a job.

This is the first thing i hear and i am hot tired and tired of random cousins that visit my girl mother 10 times a day getting fed heaping plates of food by someone who never buys nothing. I ain't stingy but i just get sick of my girl momma always fixing plates of food for 2-3 people a day that don't even ask. Sound pretty petty right? Well here is an example before i continue on.I bought a case of shrimp friday, 12 packs of the frozen butterfly shrimp. I leave saturday morning and come back early sunday to find exactly 1 pack left. All the people that actually live in the house were gone, no one was left but the people we are housing "till they get on their feet) 3 people. How the hell do 3 people eat 11 packs of shrimp and all the cake, soda and pizzas (2 pizzas, 2 cakes and 3 2 litre sodas) in less that 16 hours. But somehow they do............."

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