Jay Z must have a lot of influence on the hip hop game because people who were once talking sideways about him are now switching up their story! I just can't believe it! Dame Dash who has had his own personal battles with Jay Z and who has said a number of things about Jay Z, now has this to say below:
I guess at the end of the day, when you have a relationship with someone and for some reason that relationship takes a wrong turn, you can never truly get over the hurt. At the same time, even though there might still be some hard feelings, there is still some love there.
Now, onto my man, Jaz O. Last week on Vlad TV, Jaz O had some choice words about Jay Z. (Click here) if you missed it. Now, after all that, Jaz O wants to clear some things up about what he said. Check it out below:
I always believed Jaz O was a person who said what he felt was true. I never thought Jaz O would be the one to recant a statement he made. I'm just really confused as to where this new statement is coming from. Someone help me out!
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