Friday, November 27, 2009

Jeezy Loves The Kids

For the last two nights, Young Jeezy and his not for profit organization, Street Dreamz, took the time out to share and encourage kids in their dreams! Last night Jeezy went door to door passing out boxes of turkeys and all the fixings to go with it so that those who wouldn't normally have, would have a good Thanksgiving dinner. Jeezy even picked up the kids from the "Street Dreamz" organization and took them to the Hawks game! From walking in with them, buying them all kinds of snacks and even kicking it with them in the stands. Jeezy made sure the kids had a great time and left them with some parting words of wisdom before the night was over.

Some people talk about giving back and others just give back! I'm all for supporting the good deeds that these celebrities do because more times than not, those good deeds go unrecognized! It's apparently not that interesting to hear about someone doing something good for someone else! I beg to differ! I think Jeezy did a great thing for those kids and I hope he continues to do so! Peep the footage below of Jeezy and the "Street Dreamz Kids":

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