Sunday, November 29, 2009

'Stankatude' by the Milwaukee Blogger

Thats my ebonic word of the week.

1.Ghetto ass women that work in public places.

2. Attitude but with a ghetto twist on it.

You know the ones that work at McDonalds and walmart and other minimum wage places. I ain't putting down the minimum wage job cause i don't even have a job. I am talking about those snotty stankitude ass broads who seem to get mad at me cause i happen to want to spend my money in their bosses store.

I actually went to a fast food drive through made my order pulled up to the window to pay and the girl ain't said a thing even though she dropped some of my change. I did not even snap because she was arguing with her baby daddy or something and i just wanted to go on being happy. I move on to the next window after i collect my change from the ground outside my truck 60 cents. I get to the next window and the girl there dam near hit me in the face with the bag because she arguing with her manager.


I take my bag and i swear she says to me, "what you looking at?" I do snap then and say, "yo monkey ass! You ain't have to throw my food at me like that." She hit me back with the usual teenage ghetto heffer stuff but luckily the manager comes to the window and sends her away. I leave with my free soda.
Man i cain't stand them stankitude heffers. And it only seem to be the black ones. I got a temper a little bit. I am trying to be right and act adult and responsible and stuff but i will cuss you out fast and drill you if you need that.
Tryingg to be better is just that, trying. I ain't all the way there yet. I will mc whop yo ass, seriously. I know i ain't the only one who noticed this stanky attitude mc donalds trend? anyway....
When i go to a place with white servers or cashiers they seem almost too friendly. They make you happy like you just won something, unlike the ones i am talking about, they make you feel like you stole something. Mc donalds need to monitor these place a little. I don't want to eat angry every time.
I don't know whats wrong with this hungry dude but huh. He funny, not the video.

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