Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Former Iraq Veteran Earns Clemency in Order to Join NYPD

The final "feel good" story of the year comes to us via the New York Daily News. Osvaldo Hernandez made a mistake. Poor judgement earned him a felony conviction back in 2002.
He didn't allow it to cripple him. He served in the Army, fought in Iraq and then tried to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a policeman with the NYPD.
Despite performing extremely well on the entrance exam, he couldn't join the department due to the felony conviction on his record. He decided to fight and he won!
Even a Queens District Attorney had this to say about Hernandez, "Hernandez is richly deserving of a chance with the NYPD. Frankly, I have not seen an application for clemency more compelling."
We congratulate Hernandez on his victory and wish him the very best. See, your past can be overcome...felony or not.
It depends on you and how you have tried to rise from your past. Fight. Reach out for help. And should you be a person in a position to help someone trying to rise from the ashes of their past, pay it forward and extend your help.

Read the full article below:

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