Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama: 'I'm Doing The Best I Can For Blacks'

Barack Obama fired back at Danny Glover's assertion that the President has failed African Americans.  Above, Obama speaks at the White House on December 21st.
Barack Obama fired back at Danny Glover's assertion that the President has failed African Americans
Above, Obama speaks at the White House on December 21st.

WASHINGTON - President Obama rejected criticism yesterday that he isn't doing enough to help black Americans.

"Is there grumbling?" Obama said. "Of course, there's grumbling, because we just went through the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."

Interviewed by American Urban Radio Networks, Obama got defensive when asked to react to actor/activist Danny Glover's complaint that he is failing blacks.

"If you want me to line up all the black actors, for example, who support me and put them on one side of the room and a couple who are grumbling on the other, I'm happy to have that," Obama said.

Several black legislators say Obama must do more for recession-stricken minorities.

Some 15.6% of blacks nationwide are out of work, compared with the overall 10% unemployment rate.

"The only thing I cannot do is, by law, I cannot pass laws that say 'I'm just helping black folks.' I'm the President of the entire United States," Obama said. "What I can do is make sure that I am passing laws that help all people, particularly those who are most vulnerable and most in need."

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