Friday, January 8, 2010

Ronald Reagan's grandson arrest was mistake

From CNN

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- A grandson of former President Reagan was arrested early Thursday at his home in Los Angeles, police said.

Cameron Reagan, 31, was taken into custody by police responding to a house alarm at 12:20 a.m. (3:20 a.m. ET), said Officer Gregory Baek of the Los Angeles Police Department.

There was a minor amount of force used, Baek said. Reagan was detained for resisting arrest and is being held on $10,000 bail.

A spokeswoman for Reagan's father, Michael, said Cameron Reagan accidentally tripped his security alarm when he came home with four friends.

The silent alarm alerted the police without his realizing it, spokeswoman Kirsten Fedewa said.

Cameron Reagan heard a commotion in the front yard of his house -- which was not lit -- and saw people in dark clothing, Fedewa said.

When he asked who they were, they responded "Who are you?" according to Fedewa.

When he identified himself and reached for his identification, "they thought he was going for a gun. They tackled and arrested him," Fedewa said.

"Where is the American Civil Liberties Union when Cameron Reagan is tackled in his own driveway?" she said Michael Reagan asked.

Michael Reagan, a conservative commentator, compared the incident to the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., at his home in July last year.

The incident sparked a national debate about race. President Obama invited Gates, who is black, and the officer who arrested him, who is white, to a "Beer Summit" at the White House.

"I'm waiting for a call from the president. This sounds a lot like what happened to Obama's buddy."

"Cameron drinks Red Stripe," Michael Reagan said.

Resisting arrest is a misdemeanor. Fedewa said she did not know if Cameron Reagan had been drinking at the time of the arrest.

Ronald Reagan was president from 1981 to 1989. A former actor and governor of California, he died in 2004 at age 93. Michael Reagan is his oldest son.

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