Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Man Arrested in New Jersey Had Arsenal of Weapons in Motel Room

by Alicia Cruz
The NewJerseyNewsRoom

A man donning a military jacket and acting suspiciously entered the Quick Chek convenience store on Route 28 in Branchburg at 3:55 AM. His behavior and appearance raised concerns for the store clerk who quickly telephoned police.

When Police arrived they began questioning 43 year-old Lloyd Woodson, who appeared agitated and nervous. During their investigation, Woodson took off running towards a trailer park. Police located the suspect crouched behind some bushes when he attempted to run from officers again.

Officer Steven Cronce pepper sprayed and then tackled Woodson.

As he was searching the strange acting man, the officer felt a bulge under the military green jacket Woodson was wearing. It turns out that bulge was a bulletproof jacket and a .223-caliber assault rifle that had been altered to fire .50-caliber ammunition.

To add to this frightening event, the vest Woodson was wearing was a military-style ballistic vest with a reinforced steel plate. He was carrying four loaded magazines, which held hollow-point ammunition.

Woodson, of Reston, Virginia had been staying at the Red Mill Inn on Route 22 in Branchburg and had an arsenal of weapons in his possession: a .308-caliber semi-automatic assault rifle that had the serial number removed, a grenade launcher, .50-caliber and.308-caliber ammunition; a police scanner, a grenade launcher and maps of a military installation and an unnamed community in another state.

Somerset County Prosecutor, Wayne Forrest said police also found a Middle Eastern red and white traditional headdress when they searched Woodson's motel room.

Woodson is facing charges of battery, second-degree unlawful possession of weapons and fourth-degree possession of prohibited weapons. The police are still investigating this incident trying to determine how Woodson ended up in New Jersey and what ties he may have to any terrorist groups.

If you have any information, contact the Branchburg police at 908-526-3830 or Crime Stoppers of Somerset County at 888-577-TIPS (8477).

Click Here for more articles by Alicia Cruz at The Newjerseynewsroom.com

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