Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lowery Voicemail to Stein Played in Court

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

The woman accused of killing "Realtor to the Stars" Linda Stein left her former employer a voicemail in an attempt to throw the scent of guilt off of herself, say New York prosecutors.

Investigators claim Natavia Lowery left the message six hours after she murdered Stein.

The courtroom echoed with Lowery's voice as prosecutors played the recorded message:

"Hi, Linda! It's Natavia."

"I just want to let you know I am leaving work at 5:30. I hope that the showing goes well, and I will see you tomorrow. See you later!"

Verizon and T-Mobile cellular phone experts testified that the call originated at 6:09 p.m. from Brooklyn, where Lowery lived.

Last week, prosecutors showed video footage of Lowery leaving Stein's apartment building lobby with a green purse identified as belonging to Stein and a red shopping bag that they believe held the murder weapon, a blunt object.

In addition to the voicemail and video footage prosecutors introduced in order to seal Lowery's guilt, they displayed handwritten notes Lowery allegedly left for Stein in order to give the impression that she had no knowledge of the fact that the former music manager was already dead.

One note read "Linda, I waited for you to come back from your run, but you never came to the office . . . Anyway, call me tomorrow. Good luck with the showing . . . Natavia."

The 28-year-old personal assistant has been accused of bludgeoning 62-year-old Stein to death sometime between noon and 1 PM on October 30, 2007 at the realtor's Central Park West apartment.

Stein's daughter, Mandy, found her mother's body around 10:30 p.m.

Police theorize that Lowery was often angry with Stein, who she accused of being abusive and wanted her money.

Records at JP Morgan Chase show that someone transferred $150,000 from Stein's retirement savings account to her checking account on the day she died. The online transfer was made at 2:04 p.m.

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