Sunday, April 25, 2010

Actor Humiliates Self in NYC Park After Lovers Spat

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

"I was verbally abusive. I'm sorry, Megan."

That's what the sign read as Jeff Ragsdale sat in a New York City Park. Ragsdale, an actor, told the New York Times he was simply trying to make up with his girlfriend, Megan Brady, also an actor, after a lover's quarrel the two had.

Doubtful about the truthfulness of the two lovebirds story, the New York Times posted that it is investigating whether the ploy was a hoax cooked up by the two actors.

"There is considerable evidence this is a hoax," The New York Times' City Room Blog web site read.

During phone interviews with The Associated Press on Saturday, the kooky couple insisted they were telling the truth.

Brady, 29, said she was touched by her boyfriend's willingness to humiliate himself on her account.

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