Friday, April 9, 2010

The Capitalist Nigger Juggernaut Arrival in Zimbabwe

Published in 2000, "Capitalist Nigger" has sold over 200,000 copies, and its continued success boggles the mind.    For seven months straight, it was the No. 1 bestseller book in Africa.  This is the book that was presented to President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, by South African Black IT billionaire Robert Gumede, after Mr. Zuma had finished a powerful speech on South Africa's economy.

"It is ironic," said Onyeani.  "On the same day that the African and Caribbean business community in Manchester,  England, had invited me to deliver the keynote address, Mr. Zuma had chosen this date to make a major statement on the South African economy.  An incredible coincidence, indeed!!"

"It is a HUGE ENDORSEMENT," Onyeani enthused,"and it is a testament to the relevance of Capitalist Nigger to the empowerment and growth of the African economy on the continent and across the Diaspora."

"I just can't believe that while I was addressing about 300 Black business owners and entrepreneurs in Machester on economic empowerment, that Mr. Zuma was addressing the nation about the economy; where he was joined by Mr. Mathews Phosa, Treasurer-General of the ANC who went on to address the concerns about what was to advance the country's broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) program.  As a footnote, shortly after this Mr. Phosa went on to invite Dr. Onyeani to South Africa to deliver his perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of the nation's BEE program. 

Dr. Onyeani has been invited all over the world to speak about Capitalist Nigger and his widely acclaimed "Spider Web Economic Doctrine," a doctrine that is being employed to drive the engine of economic empowerment and prosperity in Black communities throughout the world.  He has recently been invited by the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Frankfurt, Germany in the coming months, as well as an invitation to keynote from the Mayor of Durban, South Africa, at this year's African Renaissance Festival in May 2010.

Organized and hosted by Ms. Sandra Mehlomakhulu, Managing Director of Notegate Investments, the week of events in Harare, Zimbabwe, includes a full day affair on April 13, appropriately titled, "CAPITALIST NIGGER," where Onyeani will be the keynote speaker and will deliver a forceful presentation on the merits of his "Spider Web Doctrine," as it relates to his entrepreneurial private sector driven economic development strategy - and how other nationalities and ethnic groups like the Asians have employed this doctrine to become one of the world's dominant economic players in their chosen industries and markets.

Those interested in contacting Dr. Onyeani can do so through Mr. Shelvin Longmire, Managing Director, Global Africa Media Group, a subsidiary of The African Sun Times, by email:

The author of the internationally and critically acclaimed No. 1 bestseller book, "Capitalist Nigger: The Road to Success - A Spider Web Economic Doctrine," is arriving in Zimbabwe this weekend for a one week engagement,  where he will be spreading the gospel of his well-received doctrine. "Capitalist Nigger" is one of the most successful and popular books on the nuances of economics development for Africans ever written and published by a Black man. The book has become a guiding force for hundreds of thousands of individuals who are interested in understanding their predicament in the global economy, and who have a desire to create prosperity and success in their community.

buy the book here!! 
Media Outlets must credit The Black Urban Times

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