Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reader Bears Strong Opinion on 'Keepers of the Kingdom'

A comment posted in response to the article, "Auxiliary Cop Busted, Fired For Carrying........Mace?" deserves attention. This writer says he worked for the NYPD for 28 years. He bears some very strong opinions on New York City's Home Rule Act and other things. We thought his response was worthy of a space of it's own. What do you think about New York City's Home Rule Act and Commissioner's thoughts on New Yorker's not bearing arms of any kind in self-defense.

This story was originally reported by the Bronx News.

*Editor's Note: The name and email address of the writer has been deleted* The comment has not been edited.

Read his comment below:

CD wrote:

I was an NYPD A/MOS for 28 years. And I have seen, and been subjected to this type of attitude and disgraceful behavior from Regular Officers before. The NYPD suffers institutionally from an ego problem that they are "The Keepers of the Kingdom", and that they, as a department "Know What's Best" fr the People of the City of NY. They don't.

They are a bunch of half-educated and semi-intelligent morons who routinely mistreat the citizenry, and should be reined in completely. It is time to take away the gun licensing functions and all regulatory rights that this amok bunch now enjoy away from them.

The Police Commissioner has the sole discretion as to who can have any weapon in NYC, and the last time I checked Ray Kelly is against ALL citizen ownership of ANY weapon of self-defense.

And as far as I can tell, he was given that prerogative via NYC's Home Rule Act, another piece of garbage legislation that has completely failed in bettering the lot of the People of NYC.

And Mike Bloomberg, a billionaire who has nothing but contempt for individuals as a whole thinks that he, as Kelly's boss has the perfect underling, a man who will take Mad Mike's orders and keep the People down.
It's not time for a Democrat.

It's time for a real Individual Person to come forward and run on a plank of Trust of The People of the City of New York. The reason that most cops feel that the citizenry of New York is against them is due to the fact that they are!

Most people do not like or want cops in their homes for dinner, or with their families.
That fact was rammed home to me by many people when I was an Auxiliary and then many times over many more years.

I put in significant time at the NYPD, and I have to say that what I saw and heard there from individual officers is what made me decide to not become a regular cop. Although most cops are generally decent people, the attitudes and feelings they develop in their job makes them both insular and hostile toward others.
Most others, anyway.

Who among us can say that they get a happy, tingly feeling when a cop stops them on the street and says "Hello" ? I can't, because I am just waiting for that other shoe to drop.

That Mace is legal in New York State (outside the 5 boroughs) is not contestable, but New York City has made it a technical illegality, and that means that they are superceding the Right of the State of New York to supremacy under the State Constitution to overbear any law passed by any locality, New York City included.

This is a very unique situation in the United States. The City has gainsayed the State in a matter of modifying the State Penal Law. This Has GOT To STOP. But when?
And who will try to make all the corrections that many people (and I am NOT alone here!) see need to be made?

Where is the Knight in Shining Armor now that the brigands have taken over the Castle?

Media Outlets must credit The Black Urban Times

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