Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm Looking For Someone

I'm going to try and start something different...a little more personal. I'm going to completely be free with my readers today and let you know something about my personal life. I am looking for my older brother. I always knew I had one but was never given any information about him because of my Grandmother being prejudice. My older brother's name is Robert Lee Grant and he was born on January 2, 1974 in Queens County. I was born only 3 years after him. The reason why Robert was denied by my father's side of the family was because he was half black! My Grandmother was brought up back in the 30's and was taught that being black was wrong. There was something upsetting and disgusting about it. So when my father (may he rest in peace) had a child by a black woman my Grandmother became enraged and told my father not to have any communications with the girl and that the child was not his!! A DNA test was never done and my father carried out his days believing he only had 2 children. My brother and I. Low and behold my Grandmother's nightmare continued it's saga when I came home pregnant at the age of 14 by a black man. My Grandmother gave me grief and made comments to me that I will not repeat on here because my Grandmother has passed away and believe me when I tell you she has paid for her sins!! My beautiful black son was born on August 1, 1992 when he first met my Grandmother who loved him on sight. She began to cry uncontrollably and I didn't know why. Years later she told me about the story of my father and his son he had before me. I was outraged!! I couldn't believe my Grandmother would stoop so low and tell my father to have nothing to do with a child just because of his skin color! Who does that to their own flesh and blood?!! I was sick to my stomach! My Grandmother eventually changed her ways as I continued to give birth to children who were not considered the same as her. I have beautiful black children with full heads of hair very different from my Grandmothers. I refuse to let others' judgements of me make me faulter. I am a proud Puerto Rican woman with no prejudices. I love people for who they are and not what they look like. This is my story.

My Grandmother died on February 12, 2009 and took the story of my long lost brother along with her. I was never given a name, location or even a picture of what he looked like. But God is good and always makes a way for me because just yesterday I was cleaning out my Grandmothers garage when I found a picture and court documents of my brother Robert!!! I have his original birth certificate along with his mother's death certificate and I am sooo desperately trying to find him!! According to the court documents, my brother, Robert, lived at "The Childrens Village" in Dobbs Ferry, NY. I'm just trying to find out any information I can get in my search to unite with my brother. I'm hoping someone (besides Google) can help me! I'm hoping this story will inspire others to reconnect or reunite with other members of their family. Have a blessed day.

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