Monday, June 14, 2010

Mz. Berry Chats With The Black Urban Times

Article By: Music Editor Juicy Highlights

Tell us what it was like to be part of the show?

Being a part of the show was definitely an experience unlike anything I'd ever done before. I had no real expectations of being "on the show". My goal was to go there, meet Ray J, get to know him and hope that he liked the
person that I am. I sometimes felt like I was out of my element, but
overall its an experience I wouldn't trade.

What was Mz. Berry like before " For the Love of Ray J." ?

lol well, Im the same! The only difference is that I don't practice real
estate in a hands on approach now as much as I did before.

What was it like meeting Ray J. for the first
time? Ray for the first time was nice (smile) he
came out to the patio and he looked very handsome. Everyone was
excited to see him! I kind of stood back and just waited to make eye
contact with him and when I did he smiled at me.

How do you feel about cocktail being at the reunion, and trying to
get Ray in telling you the real truth about him not really wanting a relationship?

I really don't know her so I was just thinking "why is
she here talking to me, trying to give me advice?" lol it was all very
strange and surreal to really made no sense. And it wasn't
like she was telling me anything that I hadn't already figured out for
myself and that hadn't already been discussed between Ray and myself.

Everyone knows Ray being linked to kim Kardashian and his sex life, but what is Ray Like behind closed doors?

Ray is a very interesting guy! lol he is very affectionate and likes to laugh. At the same time he is very intense with regards to his work. He loves his family. He
can be difficult at

Are you close with any of the girls from the show now?

I am very close with Just Right, she and I have a nice, respectful friendship. I
talk with Lava from time to time.

Can you describe your relationship with Ray J. Now?

Ray and I are friends. We still talk to eachother on the phone and through text. I respect him for being honest with me with things that I know were
difficult to tell me for various reasons, and I know that he has
respect for me.

Do you think that your friendship with Ray J will eventually grow
into something more?

Lol...I honestly don't know what will happen! I
really try hard not to look too far ahead or make plans for things
that I have no control over really. At this point, however, we are
nowhere on the path to that!! lol

Would you say Ray J. is a good kisser?

Lol yes I would say that he is definitely a good kisser (smile)

Was some of the show scripted ?

For myself I can say that I was never given a script

Have you had a chance to see any of the shows to see how you were portraited and if so how did you feel about that ?

Yes, I watched the season with two of my girlfriends every week! The only episodes I missed were the finale and I didn't want to watch the reunion.
Watching the show was more like watching home movies to me. lol...I
would watch and just be like "oh yeah I remember that!" The only
things that I hadn't known about were the other ladies saying certain
things about me. As far as how I was portrayed, I feel like it was
just me. My family says the same thing. I wasn't a character, I was
just being myself.

What is life like after "For the love of Ray J." as Connie not Mz

The only difference now is that its difficult for me to go
anywhere and not be noticed. I'm still not used to it and I will go
about my daily life and activities as if millions of people don't know
my face, and unfortunately on occasion its gotten a little scarey.

What do you look for in a man ?

Hmmm...i look for honesty, integrity. A positive outlook on life. great sense of humor. A spiritual man. Loves children and pets;-) Good relationship with his
family..definitely have a good relationship with his mother and I
absolutely love a man who is close with his grandmother! Love a man
who is passionate about his career and his goals in life!

What would say is the motto that you live by?

To thyself be true! its so easy to live an "image". To be what everyone else has told you or wants you to be. But at the end of the day, you've got to be able
to look in the mirror and lay your head down and rest with yourself.
Live YOUR truth!! Your truth will most likely be different from
somebody elses, and that's fine because YOU are different!! Living
your truth will free up your spirit to love, appreciate, and respect
the truth in others.

Are you still a realtor out in tampa or are you concentrating
more on your upcoming projects?

I still have my Florida Real Estate License. I don't practice hands on anymore, I do more referrals than anything. I am focused right now on spending time with my children and my current and upcoming projects. I am also considering though,
getting my real estate license in New York1

Tell us a bit more about your new website that your creating ?

Im so excited about the website!! It will be a site for people to come to
for a variety of things! I will have sections on entertainment,
beauty, style, food, personal relationships, etc!! It will also
include my calendar so the fans can follow me on this new journey and
support me at the different venues! I'm really excited and its coming

I know your working on your book, so us a little bit more about
that ?

Right. Well my book is basically going to be along the lines
of a to speak. I have a story, as we all do, that I am
ready to share because I feel like it and I can inspire and motivate
people, women and girls in particular, to not give up on themselves no
matter the hand you were dealt.

How can your fans follow you or reach out to you ?

My fans can follow me and everything that's going on with me on , , and look for my upcoming website

What other things would you like to say to your fans?

I would just like to thank them for supporting me and believing in me! This
experience is all very new to me. They give me inspiration. I want to
make them proud!

Media Outlets must credit The Black Urban Times

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