Friday, July 23, 2010

Update on Hudson Cunty 'Operation Big Rig' One Year Later

It was a year ago today that Operation Big Rig took down several members of Hudson County's political arena. The Jersey Journal has updated us on the status of those arrested:

Here's a list of the public officials and others from Hudson County who were arrested in Operation Bid Rig one year ago today, and an update oin that status of all their cases:

Leona Beldini, former Jersey City Deputy Mayor
Charge: Two counts of bribery for accepting $20,000, conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right, two counts of attempted extortion under color of official right and one count of acceptance of things of value to influence and reward.
Update: Guilty of two counts of bribery for accepting $20,000; not guilty of other four charges; sentenced June 17 to three years in prison, two years of supervised release and $30,000 fine. She has appealed.

Peter Cammarano III, former Hoboken mayor
Charge: Extortion conspiracy for accepting $25,000 in bribes.
Update: Scheduled to be sentence Aug. 3.

Guy Catrillo, former planning aide in Jersey City
Charge: Attempted extortion under color of official right for accepting $15,000 in bribes.
Update: Fined $4,000 and sentenced to 18 months in prison and three years of supervised release.

Edward Cheatam, former Jersey City Housing Authority commissioner and Hudson County affirmative action officer
Charge: Extortion conspiracy for accepting $70,000 in bribes and funneling 5,000 of it to Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy's re-election campaign.
Update: Awaiting sentencing. No date set.

Itzak Friedlander, Union City real estate investor
Charge: Money laundering......Full Article

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