Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Jerseyans Feeling Better About State

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

It's official! Garden State dwellers are feeling a little more optimistic about the state according to a Fairleigh Dickinson/Public Mind poll released Wednesday.

The poll, conducted by telephone, of 801 registered New Jersey voters was taken July 27-Aug. 2 and has a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

The poll reflected the opinions of 42 percent of the population that say they feel the state is on the right track, up 7 percent from May. The cynic-count is down 7 percent from May with 48 percent saying they still feel the state is still on the wrong path.

Sixty percent of the respondents said they would prefer less government spending to higher taxes, even if it took cutting programs to reach that goal. Approval numbers for Governor Chris Christie, who took office in January, and his job performance came in just below half with 47 percent saying they approved while 36 percent gave a collective thumbs down.

A Rutgers-Eagleton poll released in November 2009 showed that only 35 percent of New Jerseyans believed things would improve over the next 10 years, while 41 percent believed conditions would remain the same and 19 percent felt things would get worse, according to The Star-Ledger article.

That same poll showed that nearly half of New Jersey residents wanted to see then-Governor-elect Christie cut taxes during his first year in office.

A 1993 Star-Ledger/Rutgers-Eagelton Poll showed close to half of New Jersey residents were more optimistic about the state and felt it was going in the right direction. That poll found positive job performance ratings among elected state officials had increased with then-Governor's positive ratings having increased by 7 percentage points to 36 percent and the legislature increased to a 28 percent positive rating.

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