Thursday, August 26, 2010

A New Orleans Midwife's Life-Giving Journey in Katrina

Editor's note: Were government promises to rebuild New Orleans kept? CNN's Anderson Cooper returns to the Gulf Coast to see what has changed since Hurricane Katrina. Don't miss "In Katrina's Wake," an "AC360°" special at 10 p.m. ET Thursday on CNN.


The ambulance sped toward Baton Rouge, Louisiana, from the New Orleans airport, overrun with refugees from a drowned city. A mother pregnant with twins screamed from labor Align Centerpains.

Robbie Prepas, a nurse and midwife who struggles with car sickness, tried to stay focused. The babies weren't going to wait.

Five minutes into the ride, Prepas delivered the first twin with no problem. But then, she saw two feet beginning to emerge -- a breach baby.

Panic set in.

"Don't push! Don't push! Don't push!"

Today, five years after delivering those twins in the midst of the chaos that Katrina wreaked, Prepas dwells -- not on the death and destruction that was so well-documented -- but on the life that emerged.

She and her team delivered 20....MORE

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