Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tennessee Server Says Alcohol, Guns Do Not Mix

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

A server at Jackson's Bar & Bistro in Hillsboro Village, Tenn., filed a legal complaint with the state arguing that the mixture of guns and bars creates an unsafe work environment.

The complaint, with the name of the complainant redacted, alleges that it is a violation of Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations to allow permit holders to carry guns into places that serve alcohol, such as Jackson's.

The state legislature passed a new law allowing guns in establishments that serve alcohol earlier this year, but Restaurant owners may choose to post a sign prohibiting firearms, but Jackson's owner Tom Sheffer elected not to do so.

According to the complaint, the server has seen handguns carried into the restaurant and patrons forcefully ejected from the property.

Read more here


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