Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bishop Eddie Long Speaks Out Against Allegations

I haven't posted one thing that's been going on with Bishop Eddie Long and I'll tell you why. Bishop Eddie Long is a man of God and was appointed Bishop by a group of his peers. He was found to be worthy of his position by people just like me and you who believe in God. And for those of you who know anything about the church and what it stands for, then you know God puts people in positions of high power for a reason. Bishop Eddie Long speaks the word of God as it is told to him. And for that reason alone I didn't want to post anything about this situation. I figured I would let the other sites handle that.

I am posting this particular article about him now because he has chosen now to speak up about the allegations made against him. People don't realize that at the end of the day, Bishop Eddie Long is a human being and just because he's in the position of Bishop doesn't make him a perfect man. Now, I'm not saying that when God annoints you to a high power that you take that power and abuse it but in this world there is this spirit called "The Devil". And he comes in all forms. The Devil is soo wise that he'll come in a form that is most appealing in your eyes. So be careful because The Devil is very much alive and real! I just hope that the Holy Spirit within you makes you aware of who he is! Do not be blinded and follow what I call "The Holy Spirit" but what the world calls a conscience.

See what Bishop Eddie Long had to say about the allegations below:

Please feel free to leave your thoughts!

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