Saturday, September 11, 2010

Foxy Brown Pleaded Not Guilty to Violation of Protective Order

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

Brooklyn rapper Foxy Brown pleaded not guilty Friday to violating a court order, the only misdemeanor charge she was indicted on by a Brooklyn grand jury in relation to the July confrontation with neighbor, Arlene Raymond.

Brown, whose real name is Inga Marchand, escaped three other misdemeanor and two felony charges after the Grand Jury declined indictment. Prosecutors dropped all but one charge against Marchand on Tuesday.

The New York Post said Marchand gave reporters outside the courthouse the cold shoulder saying, "I gave you guys an extensive interview, and all I got is a little article. I'm done with it," said Marchand.

According to a criminal complaint filed in July, prosecutors told the court that in July, Marchnad called Raymond a "dirty bitch" during a heated exchange then, as she strutted past Raymond's window Marchand "bent over, thrust [her] buttocks at the [victim] while shouting . . . 'Kiss my ass!' at which time the defendant's buttocks and undergarments were exposed to [Raymond]," a criminal complaint read.

Raymond, who lives in Prospect Heights, called police and told the responding officers that Marchand approached her yelling, "You dirty bitch! Bitch! What are you looking at? What the f- -k you looking at, bitch?"

The un-neighborly feuding between the two women began brewing in July 2007 after the 32-year-old rapper was confronted by Raymond about blasting her car stereo outside their building. A few days later, Marchand approached Raymond and hurled her BlackBerry at Raymond cutting her lip and knocking a tooth loose.

Legal Troubles for Foxy Brown
Marchand's legal troubles began in January 1997 when hotel employees in Raleigh, North Carolina claimed Marchand spat on them after they told her they didn't have an iron available. Marchand missed a court date and was arrested on a failure to appear warrant April 30, 1997 (after turning herself in). That case ended with Marchand receiving a 30-day suspended jail sentence and 80 hours of community service.

On July 3, 1999, police in Trinidad and Tobago escorted the raunchy rapper off stage for using obscene language. She was not arrested or charged in that incident.

Suffering from depression, Marchand checked herself into the Cornell University Medical College rehabilitation clinic in 2000 for an addiction to prescription painkillers, in particular, morphine.
Marchand announced that her addiction had become so bad that she couldn't perform or make records unless she took the drug.

Then on March 6, 2000, she crashed her Range Rover in the Flatbush section of her hometown, Brooklyn and was arrested for driving without a license.

While traveling through the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston, Jamaica on July 26, 2002, Marchand allegedly "illegally evaded a body search," Nicola White, clerk of the Kingston Criminal Court, told the New York Post, then the violent rapper punched a policewoman in the stomach.
A hearing was set for July 28, 2002, but Marchand failed to appear. A bench warrant was issued for her arrest in December 2002 and Jamaican officials announced that if Marchand ever returned to the Island nation, she would face arrest.

In August 2004, Machand attacked two manicurists in a Chelsea, Manhattan nail salon following a dispute over the bill, which Marchand refused to pay. In April 2005 she pleaded not guilty to the assault charge and received three years of probation and anger management classes.

In April 2005, Marchand and rapper Jackie-O allegedly scrapped after Marchand reportedly bogarted a recording session in Miami, Florida. Marchand denied that any such altercation occurred.

In 2007, Marchand's violent and explosive behavior continued to escalate as did her confrontations with several different celebrities, a radio personality and a beauty supply store employee. Her 2007 arrests included violating her probation by leaving New York City, almost running over a stroller with a baby inside, her Blackberry assault on Raymond and assaulting the store employee.

On September 7, 2007, New York Criminal Court Judge Melissa Jackson sentenced Marchand to a year in jail for violating her probation by assaulting the two manicurists in 2004.

On October 23, 2007, she was tossed into solitary confinement for 76 days following a cat fight with another prisoner. Prison officials said Marchand was verbally abusive towards correctional officers the day after the prison fight and refused to submit to a random drug test.

Marchand was released from prison on April 18, 2008.

For her latest run-in with the law, she faces a year in jail if she is convicted.

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