Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One of Bishop Long's Accusers Speaks Out with Fox News 5 (Video/Article)

Introductory by Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

Jamal Parris, one of the young men who have filed a lawsuit against Bishop Eddie Long, steps out of the shadows to give an exclusive interview to Atlanta News Fox 5's senior I-Team reporter Dale Russell in the hopes of safeguarding other young men.


Under the cover of night, in a Colorado parking lot, Parris tells a gripping story of seduction, pain and manipulation at the hands of a man Parris says he called "daddy" and loved. As time passed, Parris said he began to see Long for what he was: a predator not a parental figure.

As stated in his lawsuit, Parris says Long lavished upon him, money, cars, jewelry, dinners and trips in the Bishop's private jet, sometimes with funds from the church repository to methodically seduce him and other young boys into a sexual relationship, which grew more intense as they reached the age of consent.

He said the bishop often exploited scripture in order to justify the sexual relationship.
As the young boys aged, the bishop allegedly lost interest in sex and began looking for younger men.

"This man turned his back on us when he had no more need for us," Parris said. "That's not a father, that's a predator."

Long's licentious relations with a then-14 year old fatherless Parris, who was likely seeking direction and structure in his life, began after he joined New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. Bishop Long took Parris under his wing and urged the youngster to "trust him" with "spiritual guidance."

"You finally have a father that you've always wanted for and always dreamed of," said Parris. "He would just walk away from you if you don't give him what he wants. So you end up turning into something you never thought you would be, which is now a slave to a man that you love."

Parris speaks aloud on what others may secretly wonder and what some have discussed through social networking sites and in coffeehouse shops:

While the Bishop took to the pulpit vowing to fight the allegation, he never came flat out and vehemently denied them. He never looked out to his flock and said, "I did not do this. I have never had sex with any of these boys/young men or any others. I am not homosexual. I am
not guilty of any sexual improprieties. I have not abused church funds."

"That man can not look me in my eye and tell me we did not live this pain," said Parris. "Why you can sit in front of the church and tell them that you categorically deny it. You can't say that to our face. And you know this. You are not a man, you are a monster."

And with that, Jamal Parris got in his car and drove off into the night....

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