Monday, September 27, 2010

Rikers Island Guard is 'Mystery Winner' of $54M Lottery Jackpot

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

Garina Fearon is arguably one of the luckiest New Yorkers and many, including her fellow corrections officers, would agree she's long overdue for a financial blessing.

Fearon, a single mother and native of Jamaica, has a $54 million dollar smile after realizing that she was the mystery winner of last Friday's Mega Millions drawing, The NY Post reported.

The 34-year-old corrections officer, who lives in East New York, Brooklyn, has struggled through some tough times.

"I wanted a better life. I was struggling as a single parent," Fearon told The NY Post. "I've really come back from nothing."

She's been homeless. Six years ago, she was forced to file bankruptcy, a few years later, her apartment was robbed and to add to it, she's been assaulted on her job at Rikers Island as inmates have thrown feces at her.

Fearon has $54 million reasons to resign from her job, no one could blame her after all she's endured, but Fearon says the first thing on her "to-do" list was to talk to her supervisors.

"I'm going to go to my job to get some days off," Fearon said. "I don't want to resign."

She said she feels "too loyal to the job to let it go," even with her new found blessing. It was her job with the Corrections Department that saved her from her financial troubles.

Another issues at the top of her priority list is taking care of her ailing mother in Jamaica who Fearon says has diabetes. "I'm going to buy my mom a house in Jamaica."

Fearon plans to take the lump-sum option, which will pay her about $30 million before taxes. Beyond that, she's not sure what she'll do next...READ MORE HERE

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