Sunday, January 16, 2011

Real Talk with Ziti: The 2011 Golden Globe Awards..Another Year of Hollywood without color

An awards show that is very exclusive..same stuff..different day
By Ziti
The Black Urban Times

When will we get tired of watching a tired show with the same faces of "Hollywood." Who sets up the shows to have such a non diverse choice of movies. I'm not sure what will be the difference to making Hollywood more colorful. My take on it is to take a page from "Black Wall Street" and make our own awards that celebrate our culture. It doesn't have to be a show similiar to the Golden just has to be a quality event to celebrate movies of African-american culture.
In this age of innovation and technology, I believe that there can be an awards show of substance that shows the beauty in African-american films, videos, and internet videos. Who is setting the bar that we cannot jump over and make our own shows. I feel like it is up to our generation to grab "the bull by the horns" and set up our own platform that can give praise to the hidden parts of Hollywood that have not been celebrated. Are we really going to sit back and accept another 2011..where "Black Hollywood" is shut out of the traditional awards shows that celebrate films and actors.
I hope this message gets to all of our actors, film makers, and set designers who dream of being on stage at the Golden Globes or Oscars. I encourage you to keep dreaming of being your best, but do not let an awards show that ignores your culture deter you from your dreams of achieving the best. What I hope is that you make your own awards show to celebrate our culture..I mean you got my man Swizz Beats in there looking lost and other entertainers sitting there as if they are about to get an award. I have to tell you my fellow brother and sisters in entertainment that you look a bit foolish sitting there waiting to be celebrated by an awards show that ignores your talent.

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