Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tami Roman Speaks Out About Her Decision to Have Smart Lipo

Tami Roman gives us the highs and lows on her decision to have smart liposuction. Check it out:

Most of you know that as a teenager on into young adulthood, I suffered from an eating disorder. I have been very open about my challenges with weight and I also have expressed, albeit vaguely, the reason for my warped sense of perception. Things from my childhood were embedded in my psyche and it lead to a very unhealthy thought process pertaining to weight. YOU WILL FIND OUT ALL ABOUT IT IN MY NEW BOOK #shameless plug LOL. In any event, I want to be completely clear – my getting SMART LIPO was not due to those issues. I got Smart Lipo because I wanted it…
I am 40 years old, have had two children, eat right, work out and my body was not having it. I had reached a plateau and the inches were not....MORE

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