Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ted Williams: 'Proxy for the American Dream,' Reunites with Mother After 20 Years

By Alicia Cruz
The New Jersey Newsroom

I arrived in Columbus, Ohio at 6:30 a.m. and settled in my booth at the Waffle House not far from my hotel at the Holiday Inn and one of the first things I overheard people talking about was Ted Williams, the man who went from rags to riches in a matter of days, thanks to his voice and a photo journalist.

The day he was discovered, Williams stood on a corner off Interstate 71, panhandling clad in a camouflage jacket, dark jeans and sneakers. His disheveled yet upbeat appearance on that youtube video ushered in a new year replete with a second chance at living.
Today, this once homeless man is now making Television rounds with a fresh haircut, cleanly shaved and dressed for success. He's been swamped with job offers including one from the Cleveland Cavaliers which included a house. 

Williams in an undated photo (Daily News/WCBS) with his wife and children

Williams appearance on "The Early Show" prompted a call from everyone from The New Jersey Nets to Hollywood, and while he is more than grateful, the man with the new lease on life wanted first and foremost to be reunited with his 92-year-old mother, whom he hasn't seen in 20 years.

As he filmed "The Early Show," Williams, who appeared wracked with emotion said, "My mom is just really.. I.. I... I'm going to be going to New York, hopefully this afternoon, and please... I apologize if I am getting a little emotional. I haven't seen my mom in, in great deal of time. ... But she doesn't believe (my good fortune now). ... One of my, one of my, my biggest prayers that I ... sent out was that she would live long enough for me to, you know, rebound or whatever. And I guess God kept her around, and he kept my pipes around, you know, to, to maybe just have one more shot..."

Many see Williams as more than just a mere Internet marvel, and more like the quintessential proxy for the American Dream. Sherri Howard of Delaware County, Ohio told The New Jersey Newsroom when she heard the story, it gave new meaning to the term, "Your brother's keeper."

Read Story: Ted Williams Reunites with his mother

"God is truly alive and present," said Howard, 34. "This man was down and out and he got a second chance on life by someone willing to let him prove himself. That's the work of God," said a smiling Howard.
The Columbus Dispatch photographer who launched Williams to Internet Fame had simply approached Williams as he stood on the street holding a sign that read, "I have a God given gift of voice."
The photographer told Williams, "We're going to make you work for your dollar. Say something with that great radio voice," and Williams, dressed in a camouflage jacket, jeans and sneakers, happily obliged.
With professional-like ease, Williams rattled off, "When you're listening to nothing but the best of oldies, you're listening to Magic 98.9," in perfect radio announcer panache.

A mere 24 hours later, Williams' life took a unexpected, but well-deserved turn.

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