Monday, March 28, 2011

Alabama Woman Facing Additional Charges in Burger King Melee

 By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

A youtube video showing a bikini-clad woman "having it her way" at a Burger King restaurant did more than make the Montgomery, Alabama resident an Internet sensation, she'll likely be a convicted felon if the local prosecutor has it his way.

"I don't play no games," said Kimesia Smith -- whose real name, police say, is Nekiva Vonte Hardy. And neither does the State's Attorney, Glenn Hess, who said that while some Internet viewers found Hardy's antics humorous, he didn't.

"While many view this video as amusing, we see it as hard evidence of serious crimes being committed," said Hess. "I'm quite certain the employees who were battered and terrorized by Ms. Smith do not find this the least bit amusing."

Panama City, Florida police say Hardy became angry and when she and friends were forced to wait too long for a Whopper Jr and fries, and threw a five-gallon coin jug over the counter of the Front Beach Road restaurant in protest.

At the start of the shaky video, there's a lot of background noise, and a lot of commotion, but you hear a man yell out, "this is going on youtube!," and the footage rolls.

Hardy can be seen fussing, yelling, and swatting at a Burger King employee from behind the counter as on-lookers stand by. The shaky video then shows Hardy at the counter, still yelling incoherently, at the staff and then she throws what appears to be a tray at the employees.

Here the footage gets even shakier, but then Hardy jumps on top of the counter and begins throwing things and swinging at employees. Complete pandemonium breaks out after that as napkins and other items are tossed at the employees.

Spectators can be heard laughing and saying, "yeah this is going on youtube!"

Police say Hardy caused more than $1,000 in damage at the restaurant, thus the felony criminal mischief charge, not including the $3,800 in damages police say she caused to LED screens and a cash register. Hardy scoffed at investigators findings saying she finds it hard to believe napkins, trays and plastic items can cause that amount of damage.

"I'm a lover, not a fighter," Hardy told WSFA 12 News, adding that investigators are simply trying to make an example of her since she's gained so much attention via the Internet and media.

At this point, Hardy has been charged with simple Assault, a misdemeanor, for pulling one of the Burger King employees' hair, a charge she admitted to, according to WSFA 12 News.

The State Attorney’s Office assisted Panama City police with the investigation by assigning Investigator Ricky Carleton to do follow-up interviews with witnesses and victims, which led to the additional felony charges, which were formally filed Friday. Hardy, a mother of four, is now facing felony criminal mischief with damage of more than $1,000, two counts of misdemeanor battery, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest without violence.

The resisting arrest charge stems from Hardy, 30, telling police her name was Kimesa Smith. Alabama court records say the social security number on the Florida arrest record from March 19 match up to a Nekiva Hardy with the same social security number. Those records also show a number of arrests dating back to 1999 for Hardy that include criminal mischief for damaging the hood and windows of a car and possession of cocaine.

WSFA News 12 spoke with a woman identifying herself as 28-year-old Kemisa Smith who confirmed she was Hardy's hair dresser. The woman told reporters that she had not seen Hardy in several weeks and was upset that her name was being used in connection with the criminal incident. When asked to do an on camera interview, both Smith and Hardy declined.

When reporters confronted Hardy aka the Burger King Bikini Brawler, with Smith's statement, the suspect flat out denied knowing anyone by the name of Nekiva Hardy, saying, "I am who I said I am."

Hardy, who is currently free on a $500 bond, says she has retained an attorney and is set to appear in court next Wednesday.

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