Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Interview:Evidence of Dilated People's New Album

California's own and One-third of the Hip Hop trio, Dilated People's-Evidence is back with a brand new 20 track LP called "Cats and Dogs."
This is the follow-up to Evidence's solo debut The Weatherman LP (2007) and below is an exclusive interview on what Evidence has been up to, the Dilated People's status, and more. Album In Stores Now!

Since your first solo album in 2007, What have u been up to?
"Puttin' out a lot of music, producing a lot of songs, and stay touring 24/7"

Whats the difference between this album and your last?
"This is for better or for worst Evidence, the other one was a little more fake it until you make it."

Why is the album called "Cats and Dogs"?
"I started with "the Weatherman" so Cats and Dogs is an expression for heavy rain, so a heavy version of the last one...making it that title allows me to talk about drastic situations-drastic weather, drastic difficulties, love, the lost of my mother."

Whats the status of Dilated Peoples?
"Doing a new record...shooting for 2012, the title's called "Directors of Photography," Dilated has always been about the eye, our vision of the world, how we see it, it's something that is going to be great concept."

What's the status on the collaboration album with you and Alchemist?
"We just hook up everday to make music...I think when I have some free time...when time free's up for him and we could promote it and we have 16 songs we feel are solid, we'll package it up and give it out."

How was the "Rock The Bell" performance in early-September of NY?
"It was cool, they put me on first on a small stage, which was a little shocking, not that I'm expecting shit but it was kind of interesting, like word first on a small stage, nobody was in front of the crowd, and there was not a single person there when I got on stage, not one. My man Crazy Legs from Rock Steady told me a long time ago that it is easy to rock 2,000 but can you rock 200."

How do you feel about the explosion of white rappers in Hip Hop today?
"There's different kinds of white people, You need to understand that there is fox news white and me white,  they're not the same white. There's different levels."

Did you produce any tracks on this album?
"I didn't do that much on my new album, I only did one track, and my thing has always been because I make beats don't mean that it is always good enough to be on my shit."

How do you feel about the new rappers today?
"They all love Kanye West, he's influced a whole generation of motherfuckers, it's incredible, and that's not evening shooting at nobody, it's just an honest observation."

What do you think is missing in Hip Hop today?
"What's missing in Hip Hop? I don't know, sometimes people have a tendancy to talk about what they don't like too much versus what they do like, so what's missing, maybe the DJ.Maybe some of the elements aren't getting as much light as rap is getting because Hip Hop is a bunch of elements that come together to make it. Maybe the light of the media is shining on the rapper the most, more than the DJ, Graffiti artist, or the Beatboxers. Maybe focusing on the other elements, finding a way for them dudes to get paid."

Are there any rappers that you want to work with?
"Mos Def. To me he is like the most natural rapper, just his voice, his flow, like he is mean't to be on the microphone."

What advice would you give other aspiring rappers?
"Don't quit your day job (laughs)."

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