Tuesday, February 7, 2012

M.I.A. We Are Glad You Are Back but WTF???

SO AS IF FLICKING OFF THE WORLD ON THE SUPERBOWL WASN'T ENOUGH.... According to MEDIA TAKE OUT M.I.A. has abandoned her cute adorable little son, Ikhyd and has walked out on her her fiancé!!! Hopefully she doesn't miss little Ikhyd's 3rd birthday on SAT! What kind of mother abandons her child?? I was a fan, M.I.A. but Im feeling like you need a little intervention sweety. GET IT TOGETHER...... Happier times when little Ikhyd was in the oven::
[PHOTO CREDIT:http://www.rap-up.com/2010/06/30/mia-and-son-ikhyd-take-on-nyc/]

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