Thursday, August 30, 2012

FOR REAL!!!!! This Dummy Mitt Romney!

By: Taylor Savon

Really Mitt Romney!!! Ok so this dummy made a comment while he was doing a speech in Alabama. Now I believe in the freedom of speech. If I didn't I would not have a job, but come on now this is just taking it to another level. Now lets be honest some people do think like this, but if you running for President of the United States of America shouldn't you just be sugar coating everything you say. Maybe I am wrong. Bottom line people make sure you go out and vote. Know who you are voting for!

Mitt Romney: "I understand how difficult it can be for an African-American in today’s society. In fact, I can relate to black people very well indeed. My ancestors once owned slaves, and it is in my lineage to work closely with the black community. However, just because they were freed over a century ago doesn’t mean they can now be freeloaders. They need to be told to work hard, and the incentives just aren’t there for them anymore. When I’m president I plan to work closely with the black community to bring a sense of pride and work ethic back into view for them."

Well with that being said..... VOTE!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. If you were a real journalist you would fact check your statements before publishing them...

    You are just spreading lies and hate. You have lost all credibility.


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