Saturday, August 25, 2012

Interview: Tammy Wright Interview Pt 2..Cash Money Content needs to watch out!


. What inspires your writing?

My inspiration for this novel.."Halsey St Do or Die" was ans in the 2nd question my Babe (#1 fan)..the following novels because of my fans and (Wah) myself to continue the character Seven.   Just having others loving to read my work will motivate me to keep writing to my fingers hurt from tapping on the dig.

Is there any ritual you must follow to get you in the writing mood?
No...not really because an idea can come to me while riding the train, in the middle of work or even when I having down time with my I always keep a piece a paper and pen close by.  Once I'm in the zone ..I like to have that peace and quiet to just do my thang.

As a writer do you have plans to branch out into any other styles of writing e.g. song writing, script writing..
You know the old saying "Never say Never" so I'm not going to say No...if the love for Seven comes to be da realist for the fans..than Hell Yea..I wouldn't mind seeing her own on the big screen. LOL.

Where else can we see your writing?

The only reps for my writing at this time is BUB(BLACK URBAN BOOKS)...they the best..u feel me.  "Halsey Street Do or Die" is my baby but won't be my last.

What's Next for you?
Right now at this moment ..I'm working on PT 2 to the Halsey Street Do or Die";after my fans finishing reading the first one and learn of a cliffhanger at the end..they'll definitely be feening to find out what happens to my girl Seven next and the other 3 main characters.  So for now I will be in the zone at the computer tapping away at the dig.

Twitter is @ChefTasty
 Mrs. Tammy Wright

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