Saturday, August 11, 2012

THANE KOI ..who is he and the reason why he didn't he help Lil'Kim with his ghostwriting skills (Part 1)

TBUT: Who is Thane Koi?
Thane Koi is the rapper/singer that is gonna slay every 
has-been rapper who comes for Thane (me), 
he's the new sound of the generation. Be on the watch of that.

TBUT: What is the reason for your recent tweets about lil'kim?
My reason is that their team came to me asking me to ghost-write for her so she can make more money so she can stay relevant instead of me. That's not going to happen 

TBUT: Did you ghostwrite for her?
No, Never did, never has, never will.

TBUT: What's going on with her comeback?
What comeback? I already slayed her career with my tweets (, and maybe I'll drop a diss track soon. Who knows?

TBUT: Lil'Kim in the next 5 years will be....?
 Invisible. Like she is right now. (laughs)

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