Monday, August 20, 2012

Interview: Up close with Princess, Life after Crime Mob

By: Taylor Savon
First off, I want to thank you for taking time out of your very busy schedule. I have been following your career, and I see the difference between the Princess from the Crime Mob days and the woman that sits in front of me today. So basically, what changes did you make?

When we started I was 15 and we never did any talent shows, open mic nights or any of the preliminary stuff that you do before you get to the big stuff. It was just straight to the top. It got to much for the entire group.  Everybody was like “Let’s slow down.”

We had to make our manager stop booking shows. It was so ridiculous. We didn’t care about the fame, STOP BOOKING SHOWS! Once all that slowed down, it was like now it’s a career. It was a hobby at first, but now it’s a career. So, for the longest I had to sit down with myself to see if this is what I really wanted to do. You can stop right now and get a job. People will forget. And for the longest I was like I could fade to the background. But honey, they didn’t forget. And deep down I wanted no one to think about Crime Mob. It was fun but lets just forget it, but I would have people come up to me in the stores on the most random days, sweats on, wife beater, no make up and hair not done, and someone would come up to me “Aren’t you Princess.” So finally, I said let me see if I can go all the way in one time on my own. Coming from a group and going solo is hard. Psychologically and emotionally it was a lot. It use to be all of us on the road and now it is just me. It took awhile but now I am ok with it.

Do you think they were your crutch, and now you have to stand on your own?

Yeah, because I don’t think there was no one person bigger then the next in the group. Everyone brought something to the table. The boys had the hooks and the girls had the looks (laughs). The boys would be like this the beat, this the hook. I am like ok, I just gotta write 8 bars and it only takes me 15 minutes. But now its like I gotta pick the beat, I gotta pick the hook. What am I gonna talk about? What if they don’t like what I talk about? For the longest time I didn’t like hearing my voice on a whole song.

As a matter of fact, what some people don’t know is that you can sing.

(Laughing) I can do a little bit. You know I can do a little something, something.
Well, I absolutely love your song “Go”.

Thank you. That was my first out of the box song for me. And I wrote it without a beat. The feeling was there I just kept writing. I didn’t even have a melody or anything.

Well let’s talk about your new project. Tell me about your new single “Last Night”.

I am so happy we are finally shooting this video. It’s been in my head for a year. It’s sexy, it’s sultry.  It’s about a girl calling her dude and he ain’t answering the phone. And you know how we are, as women, our minds starts wondering . Well, I run into my ex, and I end up making an emotional decision and doing something I will regret in the morning, so I tell my ex leave last night AS last night. There is no future with us.

And this on your new mixtape?

Yes its called Hiatus.

So what is going to be different from your last mixtape to this one?

It’s more true to me.  I didn’t care what other people thought. A lot of times I say I am going to do street stuff because that’s what the streets want. This time I didn’t care if my team didn’t like it, if my manager didn’t like it, or if my fans didn’t like it. I was to the point I had to get it out so I can breathe again, and I have to start doing that more.

Now you and Diamond have put aside your differences, do you think in the future you can work together?

Yes definitely, we already have been in the studio. But, it would be selfish for us to stop what we are doing. It’s all about timing. It has to be organic.

Something else a lot of people may not know is you were just in a stage play called “Get Your Life Back”. Tell me how that came about.

I have been taking acting classes for a couple years now, and I was approached to do apart with Juanita Bynum. Such an amazing women. I played a baby mama in an abusive relationship with her baby daddy. In my mind that is, (pauses for a moment) I couldn’t really go there. It was nothing I was familiar with. But, I had to go there, to go deep in it. It might not be that, but maybe someone took advantage of me before, or took my kindness for weakness.  I realized that all this is the same type of pain and once I realized that it was tears everyday. Like 3 months straight.
Did you find it therapeutic?

Yes, I am not a crier, well; I wasn’t before I started doing my acting classes. My acting coaches specialize in dramatic therapy and they had me open. Then when we did this play I would be like (fake crying) “I went to the gas station and they didn’t have any crush ice”. I could feel so open. I could feel everyone else’s emotions. It’s heavy but it’s a blessing.

Now for my last question, do you have any advice for any up and coming artist?

Anybody striving to do anything keep God first. Keep good and humble people around you. Always put your all into a situation. Always pray before you make a decision. Learn the business before you dive in. Set your goals, write them down. See it, say it, become it, breathe it, live it, and you will have it.

Again thank you Princess for this interview. You are truly a talented women.  Make sure you all follower her on Twitter at @princessdigital. Also keep a look out for her new video for "Last Night" on her new mixtape Hiatus.

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