Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kisha's Girlfriend Confidential LA Recap

just started watching the show but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Eva is the star of the show but not in a egotistical way. It is interesting to see four female friends show vulnerability while being followed by a camera. I think the formula for the show will work because of the diverse personalities. This episode was about Eva seeking work on a sitcom but battling with what hair color is more marketable for her, the platinum blonde we have all grove to love or basic brown and Dramatic Dennyce  or DD <-- my nickname for her lol!

Another  notable mention was the the party at Terrell Owens ( nice to see him getting a check since his financial woes have been the topic of discussion when mentioned) who was a guest on this episode because Nikki decorated his LA apartment. Well Dennyce and him have some unfinished business that definitely needed closure. Clearly they had a falling out and ended the friendship but Dennyce just never got the memo. She was embarrassing to say the least but it was truly lack of better judgement for either Nikki or Eva thinking any good would come of Dennyce attending when she clearly said she didn't wanna be there. I will add Dennyce brings the drama. She doesn't bite her tongue and in some cases this is a gift and a curse ESPECIALLY in the entertainment industry.

I truly enjoyed watching  but i need to know more about Nikki, Dennyce and Kelly but nonetheless  Kisha will be tuning in next Monday so you know I will be writing about the reality tv shenanigans that will be taking place with the girls.

Smooches ;-)

Kisha Green is a publisher who has a passion for writing and sharing her witty personality with many through social media. For more info about Kisha, visit her and you can also follow her on Twitter @KishaGreen

1 comment:

  1. I have been a fan of Eva’s ever since her cycle on “America’s Next Top Model.” My co-worker at Dish was the first to tell me about this show, and I thought I would be a fan of Denyce Lawton, but she tries to hard to be funny. I will miss the new episodes, but I have set my Hopper to record this show along with my other favorite reality shows. I have over 2,000 hours of recording space so I won’t miss any of the drama for the upcoming season. I love Eva’s fashion sense, and have already ordered several scarves to try and reproduce her looks.


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