Thursday, September 6, 2012

SMDH!!! Judge orders sex change for murder convict

U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf ruled in the case of Michelle Kosilek, who was born as a man but has received hormone treatments and lives as a woman in an all-male prison.
Now when he WAS known as Robert Kosilek, he was convicted of murder in the killing of his wife in 1990.

In his ruling Tuesday, Wolf found that surgery is the "only adequate treatment" for Kosilek's "serious medical need." Now my question is this, when did he start taking his his treatment because if he was taking this while in prison then who was giving it to him  and why is this something that tax payers have to pay for. Just Sayin!!

Kosilek first sued the Massachusetts Department of Correction 12 years ago. Two years later, Wolf ruled that Kosilek was entitled to treatment for gender-identity disorder, but stopped short of ordering surgery. Kosilek sued again in 2005, arguing that the surgery is a medical necessity.

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