Tuesday, January 8, 2013

JoeyPinkney.com 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... LaRedeaux, author of Til Death

About "Til Death":

Taking a chance with love via the internet can be a deadly choice. But when obsession collides with insecurity, lust and love the ramifications are devastating. Take a chance with romance and find out who survives till death?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Til Death”?

LaRedeaux: After a conversation with a girlfriend, I begin browsing the internet looking at dating websites that we discussed. Then I logged into Facebook and watched some interactions. A few inboxes later, “Til Death” was born. 

JP: What sets “Til Death” apart from other books in the same genre?

LR: I like to give my stories a twist instead of the same old story line. 

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to “Til Death” getting out to the public?

LR: “Til Death” is my fourth short story. I self published it and promoted myself constantly through social media. 

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish “Til Death”?

LR: I write a couple of hours a day in between work and sleeping. “Til Death” took me a week to write. 

JP: What’s next for LaRedeaux?

LR: I’ve signed with Queen Midas Books, and my first book tour begins on January 17. I am currently working on several new releases which include: “Jack of Diamond”, “Smiley Face Killer”. I am promoting my first full novel, “One Man’s Desire”. (read more)

Click here to read the entire JoeyPinkney.com interview with LaRedeaux, author of "Til Death".

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