Tuesday, January 8, 2013

JoeyPinkney.com Book Review of The Mind of a Poetic Unsub by G.P.A.

Sometimes straight forward, other times cryptic, GPA’s style is definitely his own. And that’s a good thing. For GPA, poetry is his homie, his lover, his friend, his muse, his wife.

As lyrical as a bluesman, as braggadocious as a hip hop artist, as smooth as a sad song on the radio, GPA’s poetry sometimes veers off preconceived notions of flowery showmanship into this open window that peers into the uglier aspects to his life.

At times, I forget that this is a poetry book. “The Mind of a Poetic Unsub” is more of an essay of thoughts infused with rhythms and rhymes. GPA easily slips in and out of characters.

I’ve said this in a review of GPA’s previous work, and my gripe continues with this collection of poetry: when he leaves words out and switch word order, it makes his poems harder to read. For a new reader, this might make them either totally miss the point or give up trying in exasperation.

“The Mind of a Poetic Unsub” is a continuation of the art form GPA has honed for many countless hours, days, months and years. This collection can stand alone, but I feel it’s best read in the context of his previous collections.

Click here to read the entire JoeyPinkney.com Review of "The Mind of a Poetic Unsub" by GPA. (4 out of 5 stars)

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