Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Christopher Dorner's Death Brings Forth More Questions

And one at the top of my list: HOW DID THE FIRE START?
This manhunt for one, Christopher Dorner spiraled out of control. I mean, the coverage of the burning cabin nearly overshadowed the President's State of the Union address!

There are so many questions about this entire incident.  Dorner got what he wanted in the end. Kind of. More questions were raised about the conduct of the LAPD and how they handled not only Dorner's firing, but the manhunt itself.
A six-day hunt for a former policeman suspected of a killing spree in California ended on Wednesday when a cabin in the mountains above LA went up in flames.
A body suspected to be that of Christopher Dorner was found in the ruins of the building. Dorner is suspected to have killed four people in a vendetta against LA police officers and their families; the fourth was an officer from San Bernardino County sheriff's department killed in a shootout at the cabin on Tuesday night.
Dorner had threatened to bring "warfare" to the LAPD, having claimed he had been the subject of racism when he was sacked from his job as a policeman there. Rory Carroll has the full story.
It is not yet clear how the fire at the cabin was started, but some evidence seems to suggest it may have been as a consequence of the tear gas fired by police.
A recording purporting to be of the conversation on police scanners as officers surrounded the cabin where Dorner was hiding seems to show police discussing "going forward with the plan, with, er, with the burn" or "burner".
Journalist Max Blumenthal claims to have been listening to the police scanners through an iPhone app at the time and has put together a timeline of events. The key tweets match the YouTube video purporting to be the police scanner:
According to the Associated Press, writing from Big Bear Lake, California, where the incident took place, the police attacked the cabin like so:
A SWAT team surrounded the cabin and used an armoured vehicle to break out the cabin windows, said a law enforcement official who requested anonymity because the investigation was ongoing. The officers then pumped a gas into the cabin and blasted a message over a loudspeaker: "Surrender or come out."
The armoured vehicle then tore down each of the cabin's four walls.
A single shot was heard inside before the cabin was engulfed in flames, the law enforcement official told the Associated Press.
Just before 5pm, authorities smashed the cabin's windows, pumped in tear gas and called for the suspect to surrender. They got no response. Then, using a demolition vehicle, they tore down the cabin's walls one by one. When they reached the last wall, they heard a gunshot. Then the cabin burst into flames.
A spokesman for the San Bernardino County sheriff's office refused to answer any media questions about the fire or Dorner's death until the press conference the police force is holding on Wednesday at 4pm LA time (midnight GMT).
In conclusion, were media outlets told to shut down their live feeds and stop flying overhead because the murder of a suspect was allegedly taking place?

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