Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mother of David Koresh found stabbed to death in Texas

Younger sister has been arrested for the murder
By Alicia Evarista Cruz
Senior writer
Bonnie Haldeman, 60, the mother of former Branch Davidian leader David Koresh was found stabbed to death in the Chandler, Texas home of her younger sister, Beverly Clark on Friday. Her sister has been arrested and is being held without bond pending her first court appearance this week.

"It's still under investigation and we really don't know what the motive was or what caused this to happen," said Henderson County Sheriff Ray Nutt.
The sheriff said someone made a 911 call on Friday afternoon and when deputies arrived, they found Haldeman dead. Sheriff deputies said Clark and her sister were the only two people in the house when deputies arrived. A knife found in the home is believed to be the murder weapon.
A report from the Athens Daily Review on Saturday stated that Haldeman’s body had been taken to Dallas for an autopsy. Jail officials on Sunday said Clark did not yet have an attorney.
Haldeman penned an autobiography titled "Memories of the Branch Davidians: The Autobiography of David Koresh's Mother," that described how her son, born Vernon Howell, became David Koresh leader of the cult, the Branch Davidians. The fire that killed over 70 members of the cult also claimed the lives of her grandchildren.
Haldeman had been working as a nurse in Chandler, Texas a rural area near Tyler and about 80 miles east of Dallas at the time of her death.

Standoff at Waco
Almost 16 years ago, Federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the FBI arrived at the Branch Davidians ranch known as Mount Carmel located ten miles outside of Waco, Texas on February 28, 1993 attempting to execute a warrant on Vernon Wayne Howell aka David Koresh.

he Bureau had been investigating Koresh and members of his religious sect, the Branch Davidians over allegations that they had been stockpiling a cache of illegal weapons and that children within the group had been abused.
Koresh and his members vehemently denied the allegations and vowed they would not be taken alive.

A shootout led the 51 day standoff that led to the death of 10 people: Four federal agents and six Branch Davidians. At the end, 74 members, including 21 children and Koresh were dead.
A massive fire consumed the ranch as agents watched, helpless to do anything. A special investigation led by the U.S. Justice Department exonerated the government of any wrongdoing, but a heated debate over who started the fire and what actually led to the standoff continued for years.

Photos courtesy of BBC news
CNN Archives

Yahoo images

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