Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mother of Slain Marine Calling For Death Penalty

Mom of slain Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak wants death penalty for his killers

The mother of murdered Brooklyn Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak has made up her mind - she wants the four Marines accused of killing her son and daughter-in-law put to death. "They will get as much sympathy from me as they gave my son and my beautiful Quiana, which is none," an angry Henryka Pietrzak-Varga said Monday. "I will ask for the highest punishment possible, and that's the death penalty," she said. "For what they did, for what they took from us, let them pay with their lives."Pietrzak-Varga said she and Quiana's mom, Glenda Faye Williams-Jenkins, reached the same decision after wrestling with their consciences for weeks.
Henryka Piterzak-Varga {Picture above} shows a
picture of her slain son, and his wife.
"I had problems with this as a Catholic," said Pietrzak-Varga, who lives in Bensonhurst. "But death is death, murder is murder, and for this they deserve punishment."
Breaking down in tears, Pietrzak-Varga added, "They didn't give them a chance to say goodbye, to say a final 'I love you.'"
"They covered their mouths with tape, they silenced them forever," she said. "At first I thought that having to spend a lifetime in jail, having to think about what they did, would be punishment enough. But now I am convinced it isn't, and it can never be."
Pietrzak-Varga said Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak's mom also wants the death penalty, but reached by telephone, the grieving woman declined to say which way she was leaning.
"I don't want to answer that right now," she said, choking back a sob.
Quiana's uncle Kevin Williams made it clear in an e-mail where he stands.
"I want the death penalty for all four," he wrote.

Four Marines (above) are accused of killing Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Piertzak and his wife, Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak (clockwise from top left): Kesuan Sykes, Tyrone Miller, Kevin Cox and Emrys John

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