Thursday, February 11, 2010

Joe Budden Explains Wife Beater Comment

In a recent video of Tahiry showing off her "Joey" tattoo and telling the world she will be having it removed, there was a comment made by Tahiry that Joe Budden was a "wife beater". If you are not familiar with that story (click here). Well, Angela Yee interviewed Joe Budden this morning to find out what that statement was all about. Check out how it all went down below:

After hearing the interview, a few things came to mind. it ever right to hit a woman even if she doesn't strike first? it cool to put your ex-lover on blast by saying she needs to be attending an AA meeting because of her outrageous drinking? Now, by no means am I taking sides because I'm a fan of both Tahiry and Joe but is what happened right? At this point, if they are no longer a couple and have decided to move on with their lives why do they keep talking about each other? Is it because there is still some love there or do they truly hate each other? I guess I'll never know the answer but you can post your thoughts if you'd like. :-)

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