Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta's Shay "Bucky" Johnson Interview

So I know a lot of you including myself are Love & Hip Hop Atlanta fans. It's a guilty pleasure we indulge into on a weekly basis. So I was happy to interview Shay "Bucky" Johnson and see where her head's at...You be the judge.

KG: Readers may be familiar with you from reality shows Flavor of Love 2 and Charmed School but what was Shay doing before those opportunities presented themselves?

SJ: I started off in music videos. I started working for the top casting directors in Atlanta. Once I made that transition, it made it easier for me to get into all the castings. From there, I went into reality television.

KG: When approached to be on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, what were your original thoughts?

SJ: I didn’t know what to expect of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, but I knew that Scrappy would be on it therefore I was down for whatever.

KG: What are your thoughts about some saying Love & Hip Hop Atlanta along with a host of other reality shows do not show African American women in a positive light?

SJ: To say that urban reality shows don’t show African American women in a positive light is an opinion and everyone has one. I respect everybody’s opinion, but I can never satisfy everyone. Therefore I just give you who I am and hopefully you like it.

KG: Many say reality shows are fake and scripted, you being on different ones what do you say? Is the camera showing us the real Shay?

SJ: Because I have been on reality tv my opinion is, its not scripted; but there is a lot that you don’t see and you have no control over the editing process. Which does not bother me at all. Keep in mind most seasons consist of ten weeks and that is one hour of our lives per week. So you aren’t getting too much to go off of. Based on the Love & Hip Hop numbers, the world is watching right now. Like Jay Z said men lie, numbers don’t... next question!

KG: What is something you wished someone would have told you before entering the entertainment industry that you didn't know?

SJ: I would say, value your privacy and be more careful when it comes to your personal life.

KG:One word that best describes you?

SJ: Ambitious

KG: Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

SJ: Married with children, an entrepreneur, by that time I know the Shay Johnson brand will be worldwide.

That's all folks!


Kisha Green is a publisher who has a passion for writing and sharing her witty personality with many through social media. For more info about Kisha, visit her website www.divabooksinconline.com and you can also follow her on Twitter @KishaGreen


  1. I loved this interview. Shay I think that it's good that you have branched out and are doing other things. Can't wait to see more. Kisha Green, great job as always!


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